Latest Articles
Happy New Year 2025
More than 30 years after his death, Eugene Landry, artist, is...
Milestone Exhibit
Landry's exhibit at the Washington State History Museum in Tacoma...
Thanks Guv
A few years ago, while seeking venues to host a...
Eugene Landry Art Exhibit in Tacoma
An expanded exhibit of Eugene Landry's art is coming to the...
Wider Recognition for Gene Landry
“Acclaimed WA artist’s work was gone forever until a ‘treasure trove’ was found in old garage” by Craig Sailor
Final Weekend for Portrait of Gene in Astoria
Disabled Artists; Then, Now, and a Time for the ADA
“Gene left behind… paintings of a rich inner world, paintings...
Reviving the “Lost” Art of Eugene Landry
Thirty years after his death, a resilient Shoalwater Bay tribal...
Exhibit Reception Highlights
Portrait of Eugene Landry, an Artist, a Time and a Tribe, with...
Quinault Storyteller in Astoria November 17th
Published in The Astorian, Coast Weekend November 16, 2023
A New Generation
Shoalwater celebrations Shoalwater celebrations: Modern artists...
Landry Art Exhibit in Astoria Oregon to Open 11/11
Tokeland’s Fisher Poet
Tokeland, Washington is a fishing village (population 300)...
Gap Year in Tokeland
In 1970, Bill Mueller, a third-year art student at the University of...
Jeffro and the Lost Landry Print
Tokeland artist Jeffro Uitto http://www.jeffrouitto.com/home.html...
R.I.P. Sara Nelson
This sweet lady was a huge supporter of Gene's project. In 2020, she...
Independence Day: Poggie’s Last Stand?
On a late June morning at Shoalwater Bay, Kenneth “Poggie” Baker...
Exhibit Open!
The Eugene Landry exhibit is now open for viewing. Shoalwater Bay...
Eugene Landry Exhibit Grand Opening–Coming Soon!
Art Exhibit to Open at Shoalwater Bay Tribe Heritage...
A People and a Place
“Our terms were very simple, we wished to be able to continue to hunt and fish, and to live and be buried with our ancestors”
Remembering the Dome
One year ago today, I met the man who built Eugene's geodesic dome...
Portrait of Gene-the Catalog!
A lost art collection leads to the rediscovery of a Native American artist. A compelling, mid-century portrait of a small tribe, and of an artist who created despite his physical disability. The 52 pages are filled with interviews, photos, and art. Produced with funding from a Humanities Washington 2019 Storytellers Grant. Priced at cost.
An Unexpected Gift
Last November, 82-year-old Sara Nelson sent me an email. She had...
Black History Month
When Eugene Landry painted this portrait of a young African-American...
Museum Memory
In 1976, the Landry Family opened their Smoke Signal Museum to the...
Contact Us
Contact Form
Shoalwater Bay Tribe
Community Library and Heritage Museum
Museum Hours
Tuesday — Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Call for information: (360) 267-8130
Getting To the Museum
4115 State Route 105 Tokeland, WA, 98590
Open Google Map